Short-Term Wins for Nearbound and ABM GTM: Strategies to Use During a Pilot

abm account-based marketing b2b marketing c-suite collaboration gtm nearbound strategy pillar content revenue strategy sales growth Sep 20, 2024
Short-Term Wins for Nearbound and ABM GTM: Strategies to Use During a Pilot

When implementing Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and Nearbound strategies in your go-to-market (GTM) plan, one of the best ways to prove their value to the C-suite and key stakeholders is through quick wins during the pilot phase. Short-term successes help build momentum, gain executive buy-in, and set the stage for a full-scale rollout. Here are some effective tactics to consider for securing those initial wins.

1. Expansion Campaigns to Current Clients

One of the most fruitful areas to target during a pilot is your existing customer base. Expansion campaigns focus on identifying growth opportunities within your current client accounts, aiming to cross-sell or upsell additional products or services.

Why It Works:

  • Familiar Territory: Your current clients already know and trust your brand. They’re more likely to be receptive to new offerings, making expansion campaigns a quick and accessible win.
  • Lower Acquisition Cost: Acquiring new customers is often more expensive than expanding within existing accounts. By focusing on those who already understand your value proposition, you can accelerate your sales cycle and achieve higher ROI.

How to Implement:

  • Data Analysis: Start by examining your existing client database to identify which accounts have the potential for expansion. Look at purchase history, product usage data, and engagement patterns to identify clients who are ready for a new solution or an upgrade.
  • Personalized Messaging: Craft highly tailored messages that speak directly to your client’s needs. Since you already have insights into their challenges and goals, you can present your new offering as a natural extension of your current partnership.
  • Use Case Campaigns: Launch a campaign showcasing how other clients have successfully expanded their use of your products or services. This not only builds social proof but also provides a clear path for current clients to follow.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Increased Average Customer Value (ACV).
  • Faster sales cycle since the trust is already established.
  • Strengthened client relationships, paving the way for future cross-sell opportunities.

Example: A SaaS company might target a client using their basic product tier and propose an upgrade to a more advanced tier that offers additional features. By showcasing how similar companies have leveraged the advanced features for better outcomes, they make a compelling case for expansion.

2. Inviting High-Quality MQAs to Create a Pillar Piece of Content

Creating pillar content is a powerful ABM strategy that positions your brand as an industry thought leader. For a quick win during your pilot phase, consider collaborating with your Marketing Qualified Accounts (MQAs) to create a valuable piece of content, such as an in-depth guide, eBook, or webinar.

Why It Works:

  • Mutual Benefit: By involving your high-quality MQAs in the content creation process, you provide them with a platform to showcase their expertise while aligning them closely with your brand.
  • Build Trust: Collaborating on content helps deepen relationships with your MQAs, turning them into advocates. This trust-building can lead to faster conversions and higher-quality leads.
  • Extended Reach: When your MQAs promote the content, it amplifies your brand's visibility across their network, reaching potential customers who may not yet be familiar with your offerings.

How to Implement:

  • Select the Right MQAs: Identify MQAs who have shown significant engagement with your brand and are knowledgeable in your industry. These individuals are not only likely to accept your invitation but can also add valuable insights to the content.
  • Create a Structured Plan: Develop a content outline and propose how the MQA can contribute. For example, they could participate in a podcast, co-author an eBook, or be featured in a video series. Ensure the topic resonates with both their audience and yours.
  • Co-Promotion: Once the content is complete, coordinate a co-promotion plan with your MQAs. Share it across both your marketing channels and theirs to maximize reach and impact.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Strengthened relationships with key MQAs, increasing the likelihood of future collaborations or deals.
  • Enhanced brand credibility as a thought leader in the industry.
  • High-quality content that can be repurposed for other marketing efforts, such as blog posts, social media snippets, and sales collateral.

Example: A marketing software company could invite its top MQAs to participate in a webinar series discussing best practices for digital marketing in various industries. This collaboration showcases the MQA’s expertise while positioning the company as a trusted resource, driving engagement and opening up future opportunities for partnership.

Combining Expansion and Pillar Content for Maximum Impact

You don’t have to treat these strategies in isolation. In fact, combining expansion campaigns with pillar content can lead to even more significant short-term wins. For instance, you could use the pillar content co-created with an MQA to kickstart a conversation with an existing client about expanding their current engagement. By demonstrating thought leadership and providing practical insights through content, you’re setting the stage for a natural upsell conversation.

Quick Tips for Success During a Pilot:

  1. Start Small: Focus on a select number of high-potential clients and MQAs to keep the pilot manageable and focused.
  2. Measure & Share Results: Track metrics like engagement, conversion rates, and revenue from expansion to showcase the success of your pilot to the C-suite.
  3. Iterate Quickly: Use the insights gained from early wins to refine your approach and scale the strategies that show the most promise.

Conclusion: Building Momentum with Short-Term Wins

Short-term wins are vital for gaining executive buy-in and proving the value of ABM and Nearbound strategies. By focusing on expansion campaigns within your current client base and engaging high-quality MQAs in creating pillar content, you can demonstrate measurable results during the pilot phase. These strategies not only drive revenue but also strengthen relationships, setting the foundation for long-term success.

By securing these quick wins, you pave the way for a full-scale rollout of your ABM and Nearbound GTM strategy, armed with the trust and proof needed to convince even the most skeptical stakeholders.

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