Pillar Content and Nearbound: The New Frontier of B2B Marketing

abm program account based marketing abm b2b marketing marketing trends nearbound pillar content Aug 24, 2024

Good morning, and welcome to our Found&Chosen LinkedIn Live session! Today, we're diving deep into two of the most transformative strategies in B2B marketing: pillar content and Nearbound. If you’re trying to figure out how to elevate your marketing efforts, especially in partnership-driven growth, this session is for you.

I’m Emma Monro-Harris, your host, and I’m thrilled to have our squad leaders from Found&Chosen here to share their insights and experiences on these crucial topics.

What Are Pillar Content and Nearbound?

Let’s start by defining these terms. Pillar content is foundational, long-form content that supports your entire marketing strategy. Think of it as the "big rock" around which your smaller content pieces revolve. It could be a webinar, a podcast, or a detailed guide that cascades into various micro-content pieces across different channels.

Nearbound, a term popularized by Jared Fuller in his recent book, is an evolution of account-based marketing (ABM). It goes beyond ABM by integrating partner-led growth and ecosystem strategies, creating a more collaborative approach to marketing. Nearbound isn't just about direct customer engagement; it's about leveraging your partners to drive growth.

The Evolution of Marketing Eras

To understand where Nearbound fits, it’s helpful to look at the evolution of go-to-market strategies over the decades:

  1. Brand Awareness Era (Pre-1999): Dominated by TV ads, radio spots, and billboards, this era was all about getting your brand noticed.
  2. Outbound Sales Era (1999-2009): Door-to-door sales, cold calling, and face-to-face interactions defined this period.
  3. Inbound Marketing Era (2009-2019): The rise of marketing automation and inbound strategies took center stage, focusing on attracting leads through content.
  4. Nearbound Era (2020+): As we move into this era, Nearbound integrates ABM with partner ecosystems, focusing on collaboration and partnership-driven growth.

Executing Pillar Content and Nearbound Strategies

Now, how do we actually execute these strategies? One key takeaway from our discussion is that you don’t have to be a guru; you just need to be a contributor. You don't need a Netflix show or a major YouTube channel to start—just pick one format that you or your subject matter experts excel in, and build from there.

For example, we at Found&Chosen thrive on LinkedIn Lives, which serve as our pillar content. This allows us to create a multitude of smaller content pieces, such as blog posts, social media snippets, and emails, that all stem from this core content.

The Importance of Leveraging Relationships: Insights from Lindsey Light

Lindsey Light, one of our squad leaders, brought up a crucial point during our discussion: the value of relationships in the Nearbound strategy. She emphasized that the appetite for evolving ABM programs to include Nearbound strategies is voracious.

Lindsey highlighted how businesses are increasingly realizing the immense value embedded in their existing relationships. By leveraging these relationships, companies can work smarter, not harder. As she put it, "Why not squeeze every ounce of juice out of those relationships?" This approach is about maximizing the potential of partnerships and collaborations that have been nurtured over years.

Lindsey also pointed out that there has been no pushback from clients regarding the incorporation of Nearbound strategies—everyone is eager to dive in. The key takeaway here is that relationship-driven strategies like Nearbound can significantly amplify your marketing efforts, making your brand stronger when you’re forging these partnerships.

Real-World Applications and Case Studies

Our squad leaders shared some fantastic examples of how these strategies are being applied in the real world:          

  • Pete White highlighted the importance of using webinars as pillar content. In a healthcare project, they hosted quarterly webinars featuring a trusted doctor who used their product, focusing not on their brand but on patient outcomes. This content was then repurposed into various formats, creating a long-lasting impact.
  • Bryant Goodall shared a case where a tech company partnered with service providers to host a webinar series. This collaboration not only showcased their full range of services but also created a trust-based relationship with their audience, resulting in measurable business outcomes.
  • Paola Piccinno mentioned the growing appetite for Nearbound strategies, especially among global companies with a presence in Australia. These companies may not even realize they’re already practicing Nearbound, but as they see the effectiveness of these strategies, the local market is sure to follow.  

The Future of B2B Marketing

As we discussed, the potential for Nearbound and pillar content is enormous. They offer a systematic way to build trust, create value, and drive growth in today’s complex B2B landscape. Whether you’re just starting with ABM or looking to evolve your strategy, these approaches can provide a significant competitive edge.

If you’re interested in diving deeper into these concepts, we’re offering a free copy of Jared Fuller’s book on Nearbound. Visit our website at foundandchosen.com to request your copy—just be quick, as we’re capping it at 100 copies!

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the new frontiers of marketing. If you missed any part of this session, the recording will be available on-demand. We’ll continue this conversation and explore more ways to leverage pillar content and Nearbound in your strategies.

Until next time, keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in marketing!

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