Part 2. The B2B Brand Pitfall: How Salesforce Turns into a Nightmare and Our Solution

b2b brands salesforce salesforce architecture salesforce integration salesforce setup solution Oct 12, 2023
How Salesforce Turns into a Nightmare and Our Solution

In our previous blog post, we delved into the common pitfalls that B2B brands encounter when implementing Salesforce. Now, let's shine a light on the solution that has emerged from our experience: the Best Practice Salesforce B2B Architecture Program.

Recognizing the Problem

As we interacted with multiple Account-Based Marketing (ABM) clients, it became evident that many of them faced similar challenges with Salesforce. The all-too-familiar scenario of disjointed configurations and misaligned objectives was a recurring theme.

Seeking Solutions

Determined to address this pressing issue, we embarked on a mission to find a solution that would empower our clients to harness the full potential of Salesforce without falling into the same traps. To do this, we decided to collaborate with experts from various fields and Salesforce agencies.

A Quest for Best Practices

We approached six different Salesforce Development and Consulting (SFDC) agencies with the intent to learn from their experiences and, more importantly, to understand how they approached Salesforce implementation. What we discovered was revealing: most agencies, like many of our clients, leaned back and asked their clients how they wanted Salesforce built. This pattern was at the heart of the problem.

Building the Best Practice Salesforce B2B Architecture Program

With a deeper understanding of the issue at hand, we embarked on a year-long journey of collaboration and research. We brought together professionals from diverse backgrounds, each with their unique expertise in Salesforce, architecture, dependencies, and best practices.

The program development process included:

  1. Gathering Insights: We interviewed experts from Salesforce agencies, Salesforce MVPs, and professionals who had successfully implemented Salesforce in complex B2B environments. This process allowed us to collect a wealth of insights and diverse perspectives.
  2. Analyzing Case Studies: We examined real-world case studies of Salesforce implementations gone right and those that went awry. We dissected what worked and what didn't, looking for common threads and critical success factors.
  3. Designing a Framework: Based on our research, we developed a comprehensive framework that outlines best practices for Salesforce B2B architecture. This framework encompasses everything from data modeling and integration to workflow automation and reporting.
  4. Iterative Testing: To ensure the program's effectiveness, we put it to the test in real-world scenarios. We worked closely with a select group of clients to implement the best practices outlined in the program and monitored the results.
  5. Feedback and Refinement: We actively sought feedback from both clients and industry experts. This iterative process allowed us to refine and enhance the program continuously.

The Result: Best Practice Salesforce B2B Architecture Program

After a year of dedicated effort and collaboration, we are proud to introduce our Best Practice Salesforce B2B Architecture Program. This program offers a comprehensive guide for B2B brands looking to implement Salesforce effectively. It empowers organizations to avoid the common pitfalls that lead to Salesforce nightmares and instead create a cohesive, efficient, and results-driven CRM system.

Salesforce can be a game-changer for B2B brands, but it requires a strategic and well-thought-out approach to realize its full potential. Our journey from recognizing the problem to developing the Best Practice Salesforce B2B Architecture Program highlights our commitment to helping our clients succeed in the complex world of CRM implementation. With this program, we aim to equip B2B brands with the knowledge and tools they need to make Salesforce a valuable asset rather than a costly headache.


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