Nearbound Strategies: Leveraging the Power of Surround Sound in B2B

abm account based marketing b2b business growth collaboration customer success nearbound partner ecosystem sales & marketing Sep 05, 2024

As B2B businesses continue to evolve in their strategies, Nearbound marketing has emerged as a powerful approach that integrates the strengths of partner ecosystems with account-based marketing (ABM). In a recent LinkedIn Live session, we discussed how this strategy is more than just a concept; it’s a discipline that can drive real growth by focusing on the "who" in your target accounts and the surrounding influences that can accelerate your success. Here’s a breakdown of the key insights and how you can apply them to your business.

The Power of a Simple Get-To Moment

We kicked off the session by sharing personal highlights, demonstrating how small, positive moments can set the tone for the week. For example, one of my favorite get-tos was taking my daughter to get a haircut that she had been considering for a while. It was a small but significant moment that made her look and feel like a rock star. This concept of "get-to" extends beyond personal life into business—it's about recognizing the opportunities we have and making the most of them.

Leveraging Partnerships: A Key to Nearbound Success

Bryant’s Experience: Onboarding New Clients and Building Strategies
Bryant Goodall, one of our proud squad leaders, shared how he successfully onboarded new clients into our ecosystem. He emphasized the importance of not only meeting new clients but also setting the foundation for successful, long-term partnerships. In his experience, working closely with partners from the get-go allowed him to implement strategies that were not just effective but also deeply integrated with the clients’ needs.

Lindsey’s Focus: Expansion and Onboarding
Lindsey highlighted the importance of focusing on expansion and onboarding new clients, particularly how layering in new facets to the business can create significant growth opportunities. She mentioned how identifying the right partnerships and strategically expanding into new markets can lead to massive wins.

Pete’s Insights: Partnering with Trusted Influencers
Pete White shared an example of how involving trusted influencers, who are already respected by your clients, can have a powerful impact. By engaging a well-known expert in customer success, Pete’s team was able to not only drive event registrations but also create content that resonated deeply with their audience, leading to long-term benefits like increased traffic and engagement.

The Surround Sound Concept: Going Beyond the Target Account

During the session, we discussed the concept of Surround Sound as proposed in the Nearbound book. This concept pushes you to think beyond just who within the target account you should be engaging with. It encourages you to consider who those individuals are listening to—whether it’s other departments, partners, or industry influencers. By understanding the ecosystem surrounding your target contacts, you can more effectively position your solutions and build stronger relationships.

Paola’s Example: Strategic Partnering for Market Expansion
Paola Piccinno shared a compelling example of how a client in the SaaS space strategically partnered with a consulting firm that was already embedded in the market they wanted to enter. By leveraging this partner’s existing relationships and reputation, the client was able to break into a highly competitive market segment with greater ease and success.

Bryant’s Franchise Model: Embedding Solutions into Business Plans
Bryant also discussed how he used a franchise model to successfully embed his solution into the business plans of multiple locations. By identifying and collaborating with key partners, such as trade organizations and chambers of commerce, his team was able to increase product adoption and become a trusted part of the clients’ operations.

Making the Nearbound Strategy Work for Your Business

The key takeaway from our discussion is that Nearbound is both a strategy and a discipline. It requires careful selection of partners and a deep understanding of the influences surrounding your target accounts. Here are some actionable steps to implement this in your business:

  1. Start Small and Prove It Out: Don’t try to implement Nearbound across your entire business at once. Begin with key accounts that are in the opportunity or renewal stages and focus on understanding who they’re listening to.
  2. Leverage Existing Relationships: Identify who within your current network of partners or customers has already been to the “promised land” and can help guide others. Use these relationships to build credibility and drive adoption.
  3. Be Strategic About Partnerships: Don’t partner for the sake of it. Choose partners who are respected in the industry and can offer real value to your target accounts.
  4. Engage Influencers: Listen to your customers and identify the influencers they trust. Partnering with these individuals or organizations can amplify your message and drive greater engagement.
  5. Build a Cross-Functional Approach: Nearbound isn’t just about sales and marketing; it involves customer success, product teams, and partner marketing. Ensure all these teams are aligned and working together towards common goals.

Final Thoughts

Nearbound is more than just a buzzword; it’s a comprehensive approach that, when executed well, can drive significant growth in your B2B business. By focusing on the "who" and leveraging the surrounding ecosystem, you can create a powerful, multi-faceted strategy that resonates with your target audience and leads to lasting success. As you consider implementing Nearbound in your organization, remember to start small, choose the right partners, and always keep the customer at the center of your strategy.

If you’re interested in exploring Nearbound further or would like a copy of the Nearbound book, feel free to reach out. We’d love to help you unlock the full potential of your business with this innovative approach.

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