LinkedIn Ad Types for Inbound, Outbound, and Nearbound Strategies

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LinkedIn Ad Types for Inbound, Outbound, and Nearbound Strategies


When it comes to growing your business on LinkedIn, leveraging the right mix of Inbound, Outbound, and Nearbound strategies can make all the difference. Each of these strategies can be amplified by the various LinkedIn ad types available. Let’s dive into a brainstorm session to explore how you can utilize LinkedIn ad types to maximize your business growth.

1. Sponsored Content

Inbound: Sponsored Content is perfect for drawing in your target audience by sharing valuable content directly in their LinkedIn feed. Think about promoting thought leadership articles, whitepapers, or video content that addresses the pain points of your ideal customers. The goal here is to attract users by providing insights that naturally lead them to engage with your brand.

Outbound: For outbound, Sponsored Content can be used to directly reach out to specific target audiences. By using LinkedIn’s precise targeting options, you can place your content in front of decision-makers at companies you want to do business with. A well-crafted message that highlights your unique selling proposition (USP) can nudge them toward initiating contact.

Nearbound: Sponsored Content in a Nearbound strategy could involve co-branded content with partners. By leveraging your partners’ networks, you can expand your reach and credibility. For example, a case study featuring a successful project with a partner could be sponsored to target both your and your partner’s audience, creating a win-win scenario.



                        Single Image Ad’s                                                           Event Ad’s 


                         Document Ad’s                                                Click to Message Ad’s


                        Thought Leader Ad’s                                       Connected TV Ad’s

2. Sponsored Messaging

Inbound: While Sponsored Messaging is often associated with outbound tactics, you can also use it in an inbound context by nurturing leads who have already shown interest in your content. For instance, you could send them a personalized message offering exclusive access to a webinar or a free consultation.

Outbound: This ad type shines in outbound strategies. You can use Sponsored Messaging to directly reach out to prospects with personalized offers or invitations to events. The key here is to ensure your message is relevant and tailored to the recipient’s needs, making it feel less like a cold outreach and more like a tailored solution to their problems.

Nearbound: In a Nearbound context, Sponsored Messaging can be a powerful tool to engage with partners or prospects who are already warm due to their relationship with your partners. For example, you could use this ad type to co-invite potential customers to a joint event or to explore a bundled offering from both you and your partner.


                    Conversation Ad’s                                                  Message Ad’s

3. Text Ads

Inbound: Text Ads, though simple, can be highly effective for driving traffic to your inbound content hubs like blogs, landing pages, or downloadable resources. Use concise, compelling copy to lure in potential leads who are looking for solutions to their problems.

Outbound: For outbound, Text Ads can be targeted to specific companies or industries where you want to gain traction. The low cost and straightforward format make it easy to run multiple variations, testing different messages to see which resonates best with your outbound audience.

Nearbound: In Nearbound, Text Ads can be used to highlight joint ventures or partnerships. A quick, eye-catching text ad promoting a partner-led webinar or a new joint solution could attract interest from audiences familiar with either brand, driving collaborative growth.       

      Text Ad’s 

4. Dynamic Ads

Inbound: Dynamic Ads are great for personalization at scale. You can use them to drive inbound leads by creating ads that automatically customize the message based on the viewer’s profile. For instance, an ad promoting a new ebook could automatically insert the user’s name and company, making the offer feel more personalized and relevant.

Outbound: In an outbound strategy, Dynamic Ads can be used to target specific individuals within target accounts. For example, you could run ads that highlight specific case studies or testimonials from companies similar to the target account, making your offering more relatable and compelling.

Nearbound: Dynamic Ads in a Nearbound strategy could be used to promote joint initiatives or partner programs. For example, a personalized ad that showcases a testimonial from a shared client or promotes a co-branded product can enhance trust and encourage engagement from both networks.


                    Spotlight Ad’s                                                         Follower Ad’s

5. Video Ads

Inbound: Video Ads are a powerful tool for inbound marketing, allowing you to share in-depth stories, tutorials, or thought leadership content that draws your audience in. Use video to educate and inspire, ultimately leading viewers to your website or landing pages for more information.

Outbound: For outbound, Video Ads can be used to introduce your company’s capabilities to a targeted audience. A short, impactful video that clearly communicates your value proposition can capture the attention of prospects and encourage them to learn more about your offerings.

Nearbound: In a Nearbound approach, Video Ads can be co-produced with partners, showcasing joint success stories or product demos. These videos can be powerful in building credibility and trust, as they demonstrate a collaborative effort that benefits the viewer.

      Video Ad’s 

6. Carousel Ads

Inbound: Carousel Ads offer a versatile format for inbound strategies, where you can present a series of content pieces or product features in a single ad. This ad type works well for showcasing multiple benefits of a single product or for guiding users through a customer journey, from awareness to conversion.

Outbound: For outbound, Carousel Ads can be used to tell a story that resonates with a specific target audience. For example, you can use each card in the carousel to address different pain points your target account might have, leading them toward your solution.

Nearbound: In Nearbound, Carousel Ads can be used to feature different aspects of a partnership. For instance, each card could highlight a different benefit or case study from the collaboration, appealing to both your audience and your partner’s audience.

 Carousel Ad’s 

7. Lead Gen Forms

Inbound: Lead Gen Forms are a perfect fit for inbound strategies, where you want to capture leads without asking them to leave LinkedIn. Use these forms to offer gated content, such as whitepapers or webinars, directly within the LinkedIn platform, making it easy for users to engage.

Outbound: In an outbound strategy, Lead Gen Forms can be attached to a compelling offer, such as a free trial or consultation. By targeting specific accounts, you can directly collect leads from those who are most likely to convert, providing immediate value to your sales team.

Nearbound: In a Nearbound strategy, Lead Gen Forms can be used to co-collect leads from a joint initiative with a partner. For example, if you’re hosting a joint webinar, you can use a Lead Gen Form to capture interested prospects from both audiences, sharing the leads between you and your partner.

Lead Gen Ad’s 

This brainstorm session shows how each LinkedIn ad type can be effectively leveraged across Inbound, Outbound, and Nearbound strategies. By carefully considering the strengths of each ad type and aligning them with your marketing goals, you can create a well-rounded LinkedIn advertising strategy that drives growth from multiple angles.


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